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Backward Goals - Rocket League (Part 12) | SMF

Welcome to our Rocket League let's play! In this video, we'll be showcasing some high-octane gameplay as we take on other players in intense matches of Rocket League. Whether we're scoring impressive goals or pulling off crazy saves, we'll be sure to bring you all the action. So sit back, relax, and get ready to join us as we dominate the pitch in Rocket League. Thanks for watching!



Rocket League is a high-powered hybrid of arcade-style soccer and vehicular mayhem with easy-to-understand controls and fluid, physics-driven competition. Customize your car, hit the field, and compete in one of the most critically acclaimed sports games of all time!

Play by yourself or with friends in 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 Online Modes, or enjoy Extra Modes like Rumble, Snow Day, or Hoops. Unlock items in Rocket Pass, climb the Competitive Ranks, compete in Competitive Tournaments, complete Challenges, enjoy cross-platform progression and more! The field is waiting. Take your shot!

Rocket League was developed and published by Psyonix. The game was first released for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4 in July 2015, with ports for Xbox One and Nintendo Switch being released later on.




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