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We QUIT! - Totally Reliable Delivery Service (Part 8) | SMF

We've arrived back at the beginning, but there is still so much we can do. Let us know if you want us to return to this game.



Buckle up your back brace and fire up the delivery truck, it's time to deliver! Join up to four friends, in both local and online multiplayer, to play in this ragdoll physics simulation about terrible package delivery couriers. Work together using odd machinery, useful gadgets, and the wonders of physics to reliably deliver packages to their destination. As a character customized with appearances of their own choice, players make sure the packages get sent to the destinations safely and timely within an open world sandbox.

The missions differ in terms of distance and requirements. Some of them can be completed with a golden cup by foot while others will require more creative thinking and a combination of actions including driving, sailing, flying, or flinging the package out a cannon.

Besides the unpredictable accidents that result from the ragdoll physics, the variety of vehicles, ranging from choppers to fire hydrants, allows the players to be distracted from their core business of delivering goods in the open world.




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