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Brawlhalla | CheapSkates

Brawlhalla | CheapSkates

Brawlhalla is a cross platform free to play 2D brawler style game that is backed by Ubisoft. Even though we are just talking about it, it appears to have some momentum behind it. The art is detailed and the mechanics appear fluid. For a brawler that is free to play and a competitive community behind it, if this is your type of game, you have to check it out. 


I really wish I liked brawler style games more than I generally do, because I'm sure I would be in love with this game. At least from the initial rounds we played, I enjoyed the different game modes, and the art and environment are fairly immersive considering it is just a 2D perspective. I need to play with some of the other characters more, because I didn't feel like there was a significant amount of variation between what each character could do and some of the characters' signature get lost in some of the different game types. While I think this probably helps keep the characters more balanced across the board, I'm not sure how well defined each character feels. This is definitely a game I plan on playing more of to run it through more of its paces.


What do you get when you don't have a Nintendo Switch? Brawlhalla. That's what. Because lets face it, if you had a Switch you'd be playing Smash. Because everyone wants to Smash. That said Brawlhalla is fun. The different game modes are great, the character progression is great, the animation is great, the environments are great, overall it's great.  


I enjoyed playing this game. I like the different game scenarios that you get to choose because it creates the opportunity to keep coming back to this game without getting bored quickly. Once you get the hang of a specific character it can be difficult to change because you know their moves and how to perform them (or so you think). Overall with it being a free brawler game and having the option to play online with other people all over the world, it can create many fun and interesting interactions. I think that it's a game that I would return to and play again in the future.

Game Specs

Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Blue Mammoth Games
Release Date: October 17, 2017
Game Type: Free to Play, Brawler, 2D Platformer, Fighting, Online, PvP
up to 4
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch

Other Notable Points

  • Weekly Upodates
  • Online, custom, ranked and local play modes
  • Over 40 legends to play as
  • Free 8 character weekly rotation
  • Many different fighting stages
  • Ranked seasons every three months with seasonal rewards for playing ranked.
  • A constant stream of new features, balance tweaks and Legends to make the game better and better.
  • Cross platoform multiplayer
  • Full Controller support on PC/Mac

    Windows Minimum Requirements

    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Storage: 350 MB available space

      Mac Minimum Requirements

      • OS: 10.7
      • Memory: 1 GB RAM
      • Storage: 400 MB available space
      • Additional Notes: Please note it will not work on 10.6.8
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